EVALUATION - Question 3

3) How does your product engage with audiences? (GROUP ACTIVITY)

To answer this question you must do the following.

a) Identify who your target audience is. Use YouGov profiler to help you searching for films or TV shows that are similar. Look for patterns in your searches. Write up your findings.

b) Once you have identified your audience - create an illustrated profile of them, something like this use of video. Or use animoto.

c) Find someone who fits your audience profile, show them your opening and get them to give feedback on what they might be interesting in watching it.

e) Lastly you will use YOUTUBE's annotation tools to add NOTES, SPEECH BUBBLES, and LINKS to your video:


These annotations will highlight the ways in which your Film Opening links to other similiar films in order to attract the particular Audience you have previously identified.

Your annotations will refer to genre conventions, use of music, similiarities with other movies and what you have identified as the Unique Selling Point of your imaginary film.

It should look a bit like this