EVALUATION - Question 6

6) How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? 

Presentation style is completely up to you! (perhaps Prezi, direct to the camera, voice over on youtube)

What the examiner wants to see from you is your understanding how you USED and COMBINED the various resources at your disposal. Talk about what worked well together and what didn't. Talk about the work flow of the project - for instance to do visual effects you first need to research a tutorial - plan to get the correct footage - use a camera to get the footage - then use software actually execute the effects.

Think about what you used:
Hardware: Mac, Camera, microphone, tripod, lights
Software: Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Final Cut Pro
Online: Blogger, freesound.org, Youtube, tutorials, music, downloads
Then think how you combined them for the following.

Online to research, blogger to record your findings, cameras and Premiere to demonstrate your understanding (Sub-genre film)

The interesting thing is a lot of the planning was done on paper - scout locations, storyboards, shot lists, mood boards.
However some tech was used - photos, panoramics, videos for locations, online communication and collaboration.

Mainly hardware - camera, likes, props etc.

Post production (everything you did on Premiere and After Effect)
Mainly software using a series of digital files (.mov, .mp4, mp3, AE assets, textures etc.) taken from the hardware or online.